8:00 | 朝食 |
9:00 | 午前中の授業 |
12:00 | ランチ |
15:00 | 午後の授業 |
16:00 | バディシステム |
17:00 | クラブ活動 |
19:00 | 夕食 |
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | |
1コマ目 8:30-10:00 |
Hospitality English | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English |
Korean / Mandarin | Korean / Mandarin | Korean / Mandarin | |||
2コマ目 10:10- 11:40 |
Presentation Skills | Phil Music & More | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English | Phil Music & More |
Japanese / Filipino | Korean / Mandarin | Japanese / Filipino | |||
昼食休憩 11:40-12:50 | |||||
3コマ目 12:50-14:20 |
Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Phil Music & More | English Communication Skills |
Understanding the Self |
SDGs | Japanese / Filipino | SDGs | |||
4コマ目 14:30-16:00 |
Phil Music & More | Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Japanese / Filipino | SDGs | SDGs | |||
5コマ目 16:00-16:50 |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
6コマ目 17:10-18:00 |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
One-on-One / Student Buddy System |
選択必修科目 | 英語選択科目 | 一般教養科目 |
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | |
1コマ目 8:30-10:00 |
Pronunciation Skills | Listening & Speaking | Pronunciation Skills | Listening & Speaking | Pronunciation Skills |
Mandarin/Filipino | Mandarin/Filipino | Mandarin/Filipino | |||
2コマ目 10:10- 11:40 |
Listening & Speaking | Travel in the Philippines | Listening & Speaking | Pronunciation Skills | Travel in the Philippines |
SDGs | Mandarin/Filipino | SDGs | |||
昼食休憩 11:40-12:50 | |||||
3コマ目 12:50-14:20 |
TOEIC S & W | English Communication Skills |
Travel in the Philippines | English Communication Skills |
Korean/Japanese | SDGs | Korean/Japanese | |||
4コマ目 14:30-16:00 |
Travel in the Philippines | TOEIC S & W | English Communication Skills |
TOEIC S & W | English Communication Skills |
SDGs | Korean/Japanese | Korean/Japanese | |||
5コマ目 16:00-16:50 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
6コマ目 17:10-18:00 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | |
1コマ目 8:30-10:00 |
Business English | Reading & Writing | Business English | Reading & Writing | Business English |
Mandarin/Filipino | Mandarin/Filipino | Mandarin/Filipino | |||
2コマ目 10:10- 11:40 |
Reading & Writing | Philippine Arts Appreciation |
Reading & Writing | Business English | Philippine Arts Appreciation |
Korean/Japanese | Mandarin/Filipino | Korean/Japanese | |||
昼食休憩 11:40-12:50 | |||||
3コマ目 12:50-14:20 |
Tourism English | English Communication Skills |
Philippine Arts Appreciation |
English Communication Skills |
Tourism English |
SDGs | Korean/Japanese | SDGs | |||
4コマ目 14:30-16:00 |
Philippine Arts Appreciation |
Tourism English | English Communication Skills |
Tourism English | English Communication Skills |
Korean/Japanese | SDGs | SDGs | |||
5コマ目 16:00-16:50 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
6コマ目 17:10-18:00 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Boot Camp Week | Monday | Tuseday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Vocabulary | Camp | Camp | Camp | Presentation |
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | |
1コマ目 8:30-10:00 |
Technical English | Effective Speaking | Technical English | Effective Speaking | Technical English |
Korean/Mandarin | Korean/Mandarin | Korean/Mandarin | |||
2コマ目 10:10- 11:40 |
Effective Speaking | Media & Lit | Effective Speaking | Technical English | Media & Lit |
SDGs | Korean/Mandarin | SDGs | |||
昼食休憩 11:40-12:50 | |||||
3コマ目 12:50-14:20 |
Creative Writing | English Communication Skills |
Media & Lit | English Communication Skills |
Creative Writing |
Japanese/Filipino | SDGs | Japanese/Filipino | |||
4コマ目 14:30-16:00 |
Media & Lit | Creative Writing | English Communication Skills |
Creative Writing | English Communication Skills |
SDGs | Japanese/Filipino | Japanese/Filipino | |||
5コマ目 16:00-16:50 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
6コマ目 17:10-18:00 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Volunteering Week |
Monday | Tuseday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Vocabulary | Volunteer | Volunteer | Volunteer | Presentation |
月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | |
1コマ目 8:30-10Z00 |
Hospitality English | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English |
Korean/Mandarin | Korean/Mandarin | Korean/Mandarin | |||
2コマ目 10:10- 11:40 |
Presentation Skills | Phil Music & More | Presentation Skills | Hospitality English | Phil Music & More |
Japanese/Filipino | Korean/Mandarin | Japanese/Filipino | |||
昼食休憩 11:40-12:50 | |||||
3コマ目 12:50-14:20 |
Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Phil Music & More | English Communication Skills |
Understanding the Self |
SDGs | Japanese/Filipino | SDGs | |||
4コマ目 14:30-16:00 |
Phil Music & More | Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Understanding the Self | English Communication Skills |
Japanese/Filipino | SDGs | SDGs | |||
5コマ目 16:00-16:50 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
6コマ目 17:10-18:00 |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
Man-To-Man/ Student Buddy system |
選択必修科目 | 英語選択科目 | 一般教養科目 |